Funeral arrangements are a deeply personal choice. Pre-planning provides you with the time needed to make practical, detailed decisions that reflect your standards, lifestyle, taste and budget. You may choose full or partial pre-plans which could include cremation packages or traditional funeral service offerings. Through our cemeteries we also offer burial spaces and burial vaults as well as grave opening and closing fees. At Magnolia Funeral Home we assure you and your family that the choices you make will be carried out as planned.
When you finalize your pre-plan, we can advise you of the total cost. By setting aside funds with payroll deduction through your employer, it will protect you against escalating funeral expenses. By locking in today's funeral costs and ensuring that the necessary funds are set aside, you help relieve yourself of unnecessary future worry and your survivors of an unexpected expense.
Magnolia Funeral Home has teamed up with Cincinnati Equitable Life Insurance Company (CELIC), a top producing and managing company for pre-planning in the industry, and is now offering the NEWEST employee benefit to hit the local market in years, making funeral planning decisions convenient by payroll deduction. No one wants to think about their own death, but it's important to plan for the future. If you don't plan ahead, your loved ones could be left with a huge financial burden. Prepaying for your funeral and associated costs through payroll deduction is a smart way to protect your loved ones. By doing so, you can eliminate or reduce the financial burden on those left behind.
2. Personalize Arrangements – You choose the arrangements you want, at the price you want to spend. Avoid burdening loved ones with these decisions.
3. Relieve The Financial Burden – Avoid leaving a significant financial burden on your loved ones by prepaying at today’s cost.
4. Flexibility – If you move out of state, your plan is portable and transferable.
5. Solid Program, Secure Choice – Preplanning is endorsed by Attorneys, Financial Planners and Medicaid as an effective way to provide for final expenses. This program is available to employees as well as extended family.